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Packed Gallon Bag.
These can also be customized to your fit your steaming needs.

A Vaginal Steam (often referred to as a V-Steam) is an effective and relaxing way to promote reproductive health. The V-Steams are ph balanced to help the body naturally cleanse the vaginal and uterine linings in a safe and gentle way. The warm steam and natural essential oils from the plants nourish and tone the vaginal and uterine tissues. While improving circulation, the steams alleviate symptoms caused by, or related to, congestion in these tissues.

Directions for your DIY V-Steam:

• In a medium covered pot, pour 8 cups of water (preferably purified water).

• Place one handful of fresh herb(s) or 1/4 cup dried into the water. *

• Bring water to a soft boil for 5 minutes.

• Turn of the heat, leave the lid on and steep for another 5 minutes with the lid on.

• Pour 4 cups (half) of water into the bowl you have placed in your toilet.

• Wave your hand 8-10 inches over the herbal water to make sure it is not too hot.

• Remove your underwear and sit on the seat above the steaming water.

• Drape a large blanket or sheet around your waist down to the floor making sure no steam escapes.

• Make sure you keep yourself warm, keeping something on your feet (socks, slippers) and neck. You don’t want any cold to get into your body while you’re trying to warm it.

• You should feel a warm, rolling heat for about 10-12 minutes.

• When the steam dies down dump the water into the toilet. Starting with step #4 begin the second dosage. If it has cooled too much reheat but test again before sitting over the steam.

Benefits of a V-Steam include:

• Menstrual support

• Clears dark menstrual blood from the beginning or ending of the cycle

• Dysmenorrhea (painful periods aka cramping)

• Irregular periods

• Stop and start periods

• Endometriosis

• Vaginal disorders

• Yeast infections and other vaginal bacteria

• Support for Cervical Dysplasia

• Vaginal dryness and painful intercourse

• Vaginismus

• Fertility Enhancement

• Increases cervical fluids

• Helps relax the vaginal canal and cervix

• Nourishes the and tones the uterine lining

•Assisted Fertility Cycles

•Increases the effectiveness of assisted (IVF, IUI, Donor)

Special Notes:

It is very important to test the temperature of the steam before using. If it is too hot wait 15 seconds and test it again until it feels comfortably warm to steam with. Do not add or use “essential oils” they are too strong and may burn sensitive genital tissue. It can temporary increase menstrual flow with more dark fluids or debris. Menses may start earlier than usual due to the cleansing effect. 

Herbal & Botanical Blend: 
Oregano, Red Clover, Red Raspberry Leaf, Yarrow Flower, Wild Yam Root, Blue Cohosh, Black Cohosh, Lavender, Damiana, German Chamomile and Motherwort and more.

Avoid V-Steams if you are pregnant, after ovulation (if attempts have been made to conceive,) if you are bleeding heavily, during the full flow of period, you have an acute infection, and/or you have vaginal sores or blisters.

DISCLAIMER: We are required by law to say that these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. 
If you are pregnant or if you have just given birth within a 6-week window do not use this product, nursing, taking medication, have a medical condition, or any doubts - please consult your physician before buying this product. We do not offer this product with the intention to treat, cure, diagnose or claim to cure any condition. All claims regarding this product are per third party findings. Use at your own risk. Expiration dates are determined during the time the product is crafted but is a 2-year shelf life. 


Bulk Steams

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